Border den's

Hooper at Hannut

Hooper is still kind of hard to do for us. We don’t have enough training.
On the first run, I don’t properly guide her to the barrel and she happily goes for the first tunnel, disqualifying us.

On the second run, I failed to push her correctly and she came back to me. There is no video because my phone battery died right before the run.

We also had the privilege to meet Kaïa great grandmother (Joudy DU FIL DU TEMPS) and grandfather (Malouk OF SPEED OF LIGHT):

Family picture! From left to right: Malouk, Joudy, and Kaïa.

Hooper Belgium Winner

A little Hooper competition for a change! We participated in the Hooper Belgium Winner.

We finished the first run with 2 faults but failed the second one.

This Saturday, Kaïa and I did a little demonstration at the A.S.C Lobbes to showcase the Hooper. This is a video of the second try. The first one was chaotic and messy I don’t know what happened.

She now understands the job. It’s time to up the difficulty. I like this course because you can work on multiple things at once.

Even with inexperienced dogs, you can split this course into small workshops.