Border den's


Last Friday, we did a photoshoot with Laure Cuvellier.

Today, I received the pictures, and they are just amazing.

Hooper at Lys Foolies

But not with me, with my wife, Annie, for whom it was the first competition ever!

No stress for her! Because it is Kaïa after all, she is going to behave well.

  • First course: 3 faults.
  • Second course: disqualified.
  • Third course: 1 fault.

This is it, the last round. Previous rounds were hard, but this is another level.

Not everything was good. We didn’t succeed in any of the courses. But it highlights all the weaknesses and shows what you need to work on.

I’m still happy with what I did.

Some Hooper in the mud

There is nothing else to do in those conditions, so why train some Hooper?

Yes! It is not legal, I know. You are not supposed to do that.

It is possible because Kaïa is trained to do all sorts of things off-leash, and the environment is not too dangerous. If there are cars around, she is always on a leash.