
The judge was Hugo Santos from Portugal.

This is a weekend with four perfect weave poles!

We kick off the weekend with a challenging agility. We succeeded in some parts of it, and I got confused by a sequence that looked like a repetition but was not. I’m also happy that she understood that she needed to take the second jump as the position was not so obvious for the dog.

I’m disappointed by my performance on the jumping. It was too much run for me.
Some parts are good (the weave pole <3), but I was late on many difficulties, that killed everything.


The judge was Gilles Welfringer from Luxembourg using Zsuzsa Veres (Portugal) course.
I was lazy and took the “in” option after the fourth jump, the “tunnel” command, throwing my dog in the tunnel in front of her. And she happily complied.
Don’t be lazy…

The judge was Hugo Santos from Portugal.
The Lux Winter Cup finale!
Just after the beautiful catwalk, I pushed her way too much on the “out” and that led to an impossible position. It’s still a fun run that highlights weaknesses to work on.