Border den's

Second Obedience grade 2. Not the best I’m afraid.

I don’t know, just a bad day. Too hot maybe?
I’m still happy, we lost some points here and there, but we only failed the scent discrimination (again…).
We scored 216.5/320. It’s less than the first Ob2.

Agility at Jamioulx

Today, first place at Jamioulx! Alone, because everyone else failed, in my opinion, a very difficult run.

Agility at Senzeille

Senzeille! Second place twice! She enjoys the intermediate category. Still no faultless run, but that will come at some point. The Jumping was so close to being faultless!

This time we got 2 signatures! Both with 1 fault. Now we need to have 2 faultless runs (one must be in agility).

Obedience at Tombeek

Back from Tombeek where Kaïa completed her first Obedience grade 2!

We scored 245.5/320

Lying in a group for 2 minutes. Handlers out of sight.
Stand and down under march.
Recall with stand.
Send away to a square, down, and recall.
Directed retrieve.
Scent discrimination and retrieve.
Distance control.
Send around cones, stop, and jump a hurdle.