Border den's

Obedience at Amicus

Today was the Obedience competition of our friends at Hondenschool Amicus. Kaïa and I scored excellent marks in grade 2 with 266.5/320 for the first time and the last Obedience competition of the year!

Lying in a group for 2 minutes. Handlers out of sight.
Send around cones, stop and jump a hurdle.
Send away to a square, down and recall.
Scent discrimination and retrieve.
Recall with stand.
Sit and down under march.
Directed retrieve.
Distance control.

Hooper at Sombreffe

My mother was supposed to judge this competition, so I had to step back and let Kaïa in the capable hands of my friend Leslie.

Kaïa doesn’t have much experience in Hooper, but she enjoyed the experience.

Thank you, Vie Vie, for the pictures!

This is not the first time she escape a crate. This is the second tissue cage that she destroys. I’m going to need a better solution.

Agility at Florentville

We got a faultless agility!

Faultless Agility!
We were really tired for this run.

Learning to swim!

Today is about learning to swim since she likes water.

Most people think dogs can swim just fine, but the truth is that you need to help them a bit to use all four legs. Otherwise, they could just be using their front legs. It is bad because:

  • They are only using 50% of their strength.
  • They will exhaust their strength faster and could drown.
  • The back of their body could act like an anchor and drag them to the bottom.

Always look at that your dog is swimming horizontally with four legs!