Agility at Ostende

Beautiful weekend with challenging courses, Happy Dog is a great place to be, plenty of space, smiling people, and good food.

It was also the opportunity to take some family picture! Kaïa father, mother, and brother were available on Saturday so we took a family picture! On Sunday, Annabelle, Kaïa’s sister joined us to take another picture.

From left to right: Patchouili, Uno, Stitch and Kaïa.
From left to right: Patchouili, Uno, Stitch and Kaïa.
From left to right: Kaïa, Uno and Maiky
From left to right: Kaïa, Uno and Maiky
From left to right: Kaïa and Maiky
From left to right: Kaïa, Annabelle and Uno.
From left to right: Kaïa, Annabelle and Uno.